Thursday, February 25, 2010

Firing enamel paint....?

In art class we are painting bottles with enamel paint. we want to fire the bottles, and need to know the temperature and how long to heat them for in a conventional oven.Firing enamel paint....?
If you are talking about enamel paint you just let them dry. You don't fire it. You don't need to, it will dry by itself.

You could probably speed up drying if you put them in an oven at about 100F or 120F if you are very impatient, but it's probably not worth it.

If you are talking about true enamel (colored glass) you cannot fire them in an conventional oven as they will require temperatures between 1400F to 1600F. The exact best temperature depends on the actual color. Generally you will need lower temperatures for red colors than for blue or green. But then you would be painting metal, not bottles, for the glass bottles itself would start melting...
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