Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How to take off Enamel paint from shirt.(my uniform is ruined)?

Is it possible to take the paint stain off?The shirt got stained by brown color enamel paint when i brushed against a freshly painted iron fence.HELP ME PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!How to take off Enamel paint from shirt.(my uniform is ruined)?
Removing Stains From Clothing and Fabrics:

Paint - Oil Base - Sponge stains with turpentine, cleaning fluid or paint remover. Pre-treat and wash in hot water. For old stains, sponge with banana oil and then with non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Wash again. To remove paint from colored material, dip the stains in turpentine, rub, then dip in a little ammonia, rub and wash in warm water.

To remove wet paint from white material wash the stain with soap and water and boil with a small amount of paraffin in the water. Dry paint on white material can easily be removed by steeping the stain in turpentine. Rub well and wash in the ordinary way.How to take off Enamel paint from shirt.(my uniform is ruined)?
You can try lighter fluid. It removes many things, including gum out of hair.
. Paint

Oil base: Sponge stains with turpentine, cleaning fluid or paint remover. Pre-treat and wash in hot water. For old stains, sponge with banana oil and then with non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Wash again.

Water base: Scrape off paint with dull blade. Wash with detergent in water as hot as is safe for fabric.

Good Luck !

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